Japan JP24 Advanced Filing Rule (AFR) Reporter ID Application Instructions
In order to comply with the new Japan Advance Filing Requirements (AFR), all filers must obtain a reporter ID. Further, NVOCC’s are also required to apply for an NVOCC Code (4 digits). This is a unique code NACCS issues to identify NVOCC. For the House B/L filing (AHR), this code is required to be entered as the first 4 digits in "House B/L Number".
The application is a 6 step process and must be done online:
1. Go to https://afr.global-naccs.com/dfw/main/widapp/REBM01/EntryREASC00.do to initiate the process. Here you will need your email address, company name and the applicant’s name. Enter the verification code and click next.
2. Next, you will be asked to confirm your entries and click Confirm.
3. The NACC system will provide you with a registration code, a confirmation email will be sent to the address provided in step 1. You must complete the registration within one hour of receipt of the email by clicking on the link provided in the email.
4. Next, you must read and accept the terms and conditions, which can also be downloaded in a .pdf format from the screen.
5. Now, you will complete the application by filling in (In capital letters) the mandatory elements of your company name, address, type of industry and corporate telephone number. Please note the telephone format is country dialing code –xxx-xxx-xxxx. If you plan to use Vilden Associates, Inc. , and our eCLEAR filing platform, please be sure to use the drop down box for Service Provider and choose CONEX. Next, check the box to apply for an NVOCC code for Advance House bill Reporting (AHR) if you are a NVOCC. Applicant name is prefilled. Add the contact phone number noting the format and select a password, then click next.
6. You now have an opportunity to review your information and confirm, after which you will be presented with an on screen reporter ID. This is followed by an email from afr@global-naccs.com with your reporter ID, NVOCC code for house bills and expiration date.
Once you have received your report ID and NVOCC code, if you are filing through Vilden Associates, Inc. please pass this information on to us so we can establish it in your system