What Does That Customs Message Mean?
Invalid Carrier Code: This means that the SCAC code transmitted is not recognized by Customs.
Resolution: Contact your Client Rep and ensure that your letter of intent has been received and you are authorized to transmit. Upon confirmation from Customs, resend the manifest.
Invalid Country Code: This means that the country code transmitted for this bill is not accepted by Customs.
Resolution: Check the following entries: Port Place file. Ensure that the origin, port of loading, port of discharge and destination codes all have valid country codes entered. Vessel Master. Ensure that the vessel master has a valid country code in the vessel flag field. Ensure that the NANDA codes used have valid country codes entered.
Invalid Voyage/Trip #: This means that the voyage number for this vessel contains spaces.
Resolution: Copy vessel to a new voyage using the F20 function key on the create new vessel voyage screen. This is accessed by option AMS tables menu on the main menu and then vessel schedule. Transfer all bills from old vessel voyage to new vessel voyage using copy transfer option from the main menu. Resend the manifest.
Missing or Invalid Bill #: Bill of lading number contains spaces.
Resolution: Copy bill of lading to new bill of lading number using copy transfer option from main menu.
Invalid Foreign Port: This means the Schedule K code for the port is not recognized.
Resolution: Correct the Schedule K code in the port place file and resend the bill.
Secondary SCAC 1 Not AMS: This means the SCAC code used for the SNP is not recognized by Customs.
Resolution: Verify the SNP SCAC and resent the manifest.
Duplicate Container for B/L: This means that the same container number appears twice in the same bill of lading.
Resolution: Check the bill entry for item container and delete one of the entries showing the same container number. Resend the bill.
Invalid DDPP: This means that the Schedule D code for the port of discharge is not recognized by Customs.
Resolution: Correct the schedule D code in the port place file and resend the bill.
B/L Already on File: This means that a bill of lading with this number has already been transmitted.
Resolution: None. Bill has been accepted previously.
Manifest Not on File: This means that you have tried to send the bill as an amendment before the original manifest was transmitted.
Resolution: Ensure that the manifest for this load port as already been sent by checking AMS History. If vessel is not in AMS History, vessel has not been sent to customs. Alternatively, select B/L inquiry taking option to search by vessel voyage, and select not sent. This will verify that the bills for this port have not yet been sent. Original manifest must be sent before amendments (delete/data change) can be accepted.
Missing Container Number: This means that there are spaces in the container number.
Resolution: Ensure that all container numbers on the bill are correct with no spaces and resend the bill.
Missing Description: This means that the description for the bill has not been entered.
Resolution: Ensure that there is a description entered for this bill and resend the bill.
Not Authorized to Transmit: This means that the SCAC for the company submitting the bill is not recognized by Customs. Resolution: Call your Customs Client Rep and ensure that your SCAC code has been authorized by Customs. Upon confirmation from Customs, resend the manifest.
Incorrect Conv Code: This means that they Lloyds number sent is not recognized by customs.
Resolution: Verify the Lloyd’s code in the vessel master. Resend the manifest.
Incorrect Vessel Name: This means the Vessel Name sent with the Lloyds code does not match what customs has on file. Resolution: Verify the Lloyd’s code and ensure that the vessel name is spelled correctly in the Vessel Master. Resend the manifest.