File Electronic In-bond Using Vilden's e-CLEAR
In late 2017, we reported on how U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) had published a final rule that adopts amendments to CBP regulations regarding changes to the in-bond process published in the Federal Register on February 22, 2012. The changes in this rule, included the automation of the in-bond process, required in-bond applications to be submitted electronically for in-bond merchandise transported by ocean/rail/truck through ACE or ABI.
In June 2018, CBP released an updated FAQ regarding the implementation of this requirement with dates attached. The most pertinent implementation date from the FAQ was that following August 6, 2018, electronic reporting of all transactions are now mandatory; CBP no longer accepts paper copies of the CBPF 7512 to perform arrival and export functionality. These functions are the requirement of the carrier. In addition, electronic reporting of diversion to a port other than reporting on the original in-bond is required. An ACE edit will reject arrival if not performed. Electronic reporting of bonded cargo location (FIRMS code) is also required. An ACE edit will reject arrival on this as well if it is not provided.
Bonded carriers are required to file electronically either directly with CBP or through a 3rd-party service solution.
Vilden's eCLEAR has the ability to file electronic in-bond and will comply with this requirement. Our service provides two options for filing in-bond:
File BL data in AMS to comply with new in-bond rule. eCLEAR will allow user to file in-bond for the BL files in AMS to Customs & Border Protection (CBP).
File direct paperless in-bond to Customs independent of BL filing.
Types of in-bond files that can be sent electronically to CBP
Immediate Transportation (I.T.) - Used to move merchandise in-bond without paying duty and taxes and no examination until the goods arrive at the port of destination and entry is filed.
Immediate Exportation (I.E.) - Used to export merchandise from the same port of origin.
Transportation and Exportation (T&E) - Used to move and export merchandise at another port, other than port of origin.
Benefits of in-bond filing with eCLEAR
No Hidden Costs - No user license fees, no maintenance fees, no upgrade fees, no support fees.
Web-based Solution - No I.T. or hardware maintenance costs. Accessible from anywhere in the world.
40 Years of Expertise - Vilden has been providing the transportation industry with software solutions for 40 years. Long standing ties with U.S. Customs
Vilden will help users set up unique environments to file electronically with CBP and assist in setup with Customs. Have questions or need further clarification? Contact us at info@vilden.com or 562.997.7000, we will be more than happy to assist you.