CBSA e-Manifest FAQ
What is e-Manifest?
The e-Manifest is a house bill. The party causing for the movement of cargo is responsible to file e-Manifest. It is used for targeting and other functions within Canada like entry, release, duty payments etc. In order to file e-Manifest HBL, you must have a Canadian issued filer code. All NVOCC/ FF are required to summit a House bill, as opposed to the previously required Supplementary bill (ACI).
When did e-Manifest go into effect?
The e-Manifest went into effect on November 7, 2016.
I’ve been filing ACI, it is the same as the e-Manifest or house bill?
ACI, as known as “Supplementary Cargo Documents or SCD”, is not the same as the House bill. CBSA considers supplementary documents to be information in addition to the Marine Carrier’s bill of lading and is only used for targeting purposes. No further movement can happen against the supplementary document. It all moves against the marine carrier bill after being matched.
What are new data elements in e-Manifest?
The new elements are transporting carriers’ cargo control number (prime CCN), Previous CCN number (bill of lading issued to you), whether it’s in transit or in bond, Destination Sub location code, Delivery Name & address, Place of consolidation, Name & address of Consolidation and warehouse or border port where your cargo will be cleared.
What is a CCN?
The CCN is an acronym for Cargo Control Number which is similar to what we call the bill of lading in the U.S. It is a number assigned to transport a document and it uniquely identifies cargo. The number consists of the Canada assigned filer code (first four characters) followed by the unique reference (bill) number assigned by the carrier/representative. This number cannot contain spaces.
What is the Marine Carrier Bill?
The Marine Carrier bill is considered the Prime CCN for a shipment (like the U.S. Master bill).
What is a sub location?
A sub location is a 4 digit code assigned by CBSA for the area/warehouse where CBSA may inspect the cargo. The sub location is mandatory for the Canadian discharge port and the Destination, Cross Border Location, or the Canadian Warehouse depending on the type of shipment. Enter the sub location code in the Port Location Code table for Canadian Discharge Ports. Enter the sub location code for the Destination/Cross Border Location/CA Warehouse on the e-Manifest pop-up screen.
Have requirements for Freight Remaining On Board (FROB) changed?
No, not at this time. Marine Carriers can continue to file the ACI supplemental bills for FROB.
What if cargo is discharged in the U.S and moved overland to Canada?
If cargo is discharged in U.S. and moved overland to Canada, a house bill is required. In such case, the Prime CCN will be the Truck or Railroad bill of lading number.
What if the cargo is discharged in Canada and moved overland to U.S.?
If cargo is discharged in Canada and moved to U.S, a supplementary filing is okay for interim period.
What if we are a non-bonded NVOCC/Freight Forwarder? Can we ship consolidated containers?
A non-bonded freight forwarder may deliver to a marine carrier a FCL container for one shipper/one consignee for delivery in Canada. A non-bonded NVOCC/Freight Forwarder, without a bonded agent in Canada, may NOT ship consolidated containers that have anything other than direct shippers. You may ship to inland destinations only as far as the marine carrier bill of lading is issued. A house bill filing is required.
Can we use someone else’s bonded filer code?
Yes, if you have an agreement in place with a bonded Canadian Freight Forwarder allowing you to file e-Manifest HBL using their bonded filer code, you must send/update your CBSA HBL application and notate them on the form as your agent. This places the liability for any fines on the owner of the bonded code.
What if you are acting as an Agent?
If a Marine Carrier so chooses, and has the ability to file all HBL required data elements, they may do so on behalf of a non-bonded freight forwarder using their 9000 bonded carrier filer code. The carrier code that is used to transmit data is the carrier code that CBSA deems liable for true, accurate, and complete information.
Where do you enter the bonded and non-bonded codes in e-Clear system?
To enter your bonded & non-bonded filer codes, you will navigate to the Tables Menu > Common Codes. Look up the table ‘FIL’ and filter to your record. Check the button to the left of it and click “Display Details”. Find the carrier you wish to add the bonded & non-bonded codes. Select carrier and click “Edit” to edit codes. Add the two codes and click “Ok” to save.
How does the e-CLEAR system know if you are filing a bonded or non-bonded e-Manifest?
When you are using a bonded filing code, you need to check the “Use Bonded Filer Code?” box in the header part of the e-Manifest screen. If you are not bonded, leave the “Use Bonded Filer Code?” box unchecked.
What if my delivery is the same as my consignee?
If place of delivery is the same as your consignee, you do not need to fill out the Delivery section on the e-Manifest screen.
What if my consolidator is the same as my shipper?
If the consolidator is the same as the shipper, you do not need to fill out the Consolidator section on the e-Manifest screen.
What is a close message?
In all cases where a HBL filing is required, the “CLOSE MESSAGE” must be sent after house bills have been accepted and within the established time line, 24 hours prior of loading for ocean.
How do I know which Mode of Transport to use?
Rail of Truck is ONLY used is the cargo origin is off shore moving via U.S. for a Canadian destination/consumption. Ocean is used in all other situations.
If we file e-Manifest wrong, is there any problem with the container unloading at the destination port?
If there is an error in your filing; it will be rejected with a reason. It is your responsibility to correct the error and resend. Bills are not considered on file until the (06) Acceptance is issued. The acceptance of the bill must be within the specified time frame of 24 hours prior to loading.
Since we are a Non Bonded Freight Forwarder, we can only do e-Manifest for the HBL we issued to the ultimate clients. If we build a container in which we issue some HBL’s to ultimate clients and other HBL’s to other forwarders, can we file e-Manifest for the ultimate clients’ bills, while filing the supplementary bills for the freight forwarders?
No, this is still considered a consolidation as other Freight Forwarder bills need to be matched to the bills you issued.
Does e-Manifest and ACI have to be filed by a single party or can it be filed separately by different companies?
In this situation, you should file your own e-Manifest. However, if the FF you deliver your cargo to is not filing with a bonded carrier code, they should not accept your shipment as they are not allowed to ship consolidated cargo and can receive a Hold or DNL.
What is the SNP code? If we want our destination agent to have this data, should we enter their CCN code and set the SNP Type to Broker?
The SNP code is their Canadian Filer Code, enter the type = Broker (in this scenario), and check the box in the Manifest Forward? Column.
We have collected the sub location code and warehouse information from one of our destination agents in Canada, but I can’t find this data in Vilden. Should we add the data in Vilden and which option should we choose?
You can add a Name and Address record in the NANDA Table on the Tables Menu for the warehouse. Add the sub location code to the record and press save. When you enter the NANDA code for the warehouse location on the e-Manifest screen and press update, the sub location code will automatically populate.
What should a Tier Two NVOCC/Forwarder do if they are unable to obtain the warehouse sub location code from either the Tier One NVOCC/Forwarder or the Prime Carrier?
The electronic house bill requires a Port of Destination/Exit (where the goods are ultimately destined to, the CBSA designated port code where release/acquittal will be affected) and the Port of Discharge (the location where the goods are unloaded off the vessel, if different than the Port of Destination). As long as the port of destination is the same on the house bill as it is on the primary cargo, the cargo may travel in-bond under the primary CCN.